I shared some outdoor photos but promised an indoor tour, so here we go. I wish you all, my dear readers, a holiday that allows for whatever you are experiencing in your heart. Whether you are happy, sad, or perhaps alone this holiday, I hope that one or more of these photos might bring a smile to your face. I have broken the tour into two parts, today the bedroom and family room, then tomorrow, the library, & dining room. Laters, charisse

Welcome to my home. I have collected Santas for years, and this one sits in the foyer near the stairs. He is the newest addition, a gift from KBJ.

Isn’t his expression beautiful? The eyes reminded me of my great grandfather. He had the bluest eyes that twinkled with mischief.

My bedroom. This year I set up an ornament tree, and all the ornaments are dogs (& a few cats), collected over many years. Each is a reminder of dogs I have had or known or just breeds I like. Lots, and lots of memories rekindled as I hung them.

This year I made a basket wreath to hang on the mirror.

The ornament tree all decked out.

A few of my favorites.

This fella sits atop the armoire directly across from the end of the bed.

This Santa sits on a dresser to the right of the bed, and is a favorite.
Now to the family room.…..

I messed up. See the pillow on the sofa that looks gray? Well, it got turned around. The correct side shows a lovely Christmas polar bear. Oh well!

This tree is decorated with natural cones, pods, birds and some ball ornaments, close up photos of a few below.

Santa on the mantle.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!
Thank you for stopping by. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas Day. Tomorrow, the rest of the tour. Laters, charisse
Super beau et très créatif pour ce temps de Noël ! Gérard
Merci de prendre le temps de lire le message et d’envoyer de tels commentaires. Je vous souhaite, ainsi qu’à Cathi, de joyeuses fêtes de fin d’année. Charisse
What a massive undertaking, but so very worth it. No wonder you have a Christmas storage room. Love, love, love it all.
KBJ helped me with the outside, and yes, it does take time, especially the inside, but I enjoy doing it. During the hours it takes I reflect back on my life during the preceding year, as well as allowing for the memories of all the Christmas before this one; and happy or sad, it reminds me that life ebbs and flows, and I am glad to still be a part of it.
Just lovely!!! You are so talented, Charisse! That Santa with the Great Grandfather Eyes has a perfect St. Nick face!! I love all of the close up photos. (I think I saw a Sheltie in your ornament tree.) 😃😃 Thanks for sharing your beautiful Christmas decor. 🎄🎄 Time for wassail and cookies!