Sheee’s Back………
They say the best way to get back to writing is to start writing! I do feel I owe you, my loyal readers, some explanation as to my absence. Right after I passed the one year anniversary of this blog, I had a major-major computer glitch. I was writing and posting, but my server was not delivering! I found out by accident. It took some time to sort that out. Right after that was cleared up,my platform made automatic updates that then prevented me from uploading and posting my blog, particularly my photos, as I had been. Major curveball!!! KBJ, webmaster, to the rescue, but it took some time (and programming) and then relearning on my part. Needless to say, the technical side of blogging does come with some challenges and frustrations at times. I want to sincerely thank all of my readers who wrote and emailed saying they missed me and hoped everything was OK. You are wonderful for doing so, and are the reasons I so love to write and post. YOU ARE THE BEST!
I also used this time to reflect on my first year, and think about how I wanted to proceed with Whimsical Home and Garden. I started out wanting to offer a blog a bit different than what is presently out there, no small challenge. It is not easy to start a blog, earn followers, then keep them and continuing to grow. A blog incurs expenses, and as the size of the blog grows, so does the expense, to say nothing of the time spent researching facts, photographing, thinking up new ideas and then writing. I love, love doing it, but want to make this blog unique in some way, and it takes time to feel your way through what WH&G eventually morphs into.
Bloggers who began years ago when blogs fist came into being had an advantage of growing fairly quickly. Now blogs are ubiquitous, and it is more difficult to find a niche with the quality that provides readers with the experience they are looking for in a blog. I feel passionate about my design work, what I write about, and equally impotent is that I remain true to myself. I plan on continuing in a similar vein, with some added features. I have soooo many ideas floating in my head, so I may throw in an experiment or two as well. Once a week, probably on the weekend, I plan on having what I am calling “Unrelated Day”, where odds and ends that are not enough for a single post individually, will be posted collectively. Sometimes I find something that stirs my soul, and want to share with you, my readers, perhaps a video, a quote, or a photo that inspires me as a designer, or a musing. I hope you will bear with me through my growing pains. Writing and photographing and “doing” is a creative process. Always feel free to share your thoughts, what you would like to see more of, or less of, what you have liked or valued.
Above all, thank you for stopping by every day,and for all the supportive emails I have received during my first year of blogging. When I look back at my posts, I feel pretty good about what I have accomplished, but fine tuning is a continuous process, and I have so much I want to share with you.
I feel very fortunate, in that I have not had any mean spirited commenters or emails (yet) as that seems to be an issue that many bloggers have to deal with. I hope that my good fortune continues, but I realize as one grows, it is bound to happen. So my dear readers, thank you for your patience during these last challenging weeks. I think my major tech problems are over for now, and it is back to writing WH&G. Tomorrow I will share a magnificent home with you, and there are many gardening and design photos and ideas to come. Blessings to you.
Laters, charisse
PS……during this time I have also added another garden, and am also about 75% complete on a construction project. I look forward to sharing them with you as well.I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful July 4th.
Hi, Charisse,
I don’t know where this came from–it just now appeared on my screen. What I know about computing could fill a thimble. It’s Sept. 23d. Am I up to date? Will I ever find this again? Hi Keith.
Good to see that you are back on again. Congratulations on your 1st year. Time goes fast. Please say ‘Hi’ to KBJ also.
Thank you! It is good to be back. I will tell KBJ you said “howdy”. Thank you for reading the blog.
I missed you. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to seeing that email letting me know you have a post up. Congrats on your “anniversary”.
Thanks for the good wishes Margaret, and for supporting me!
Well, this is a relief! I had only recently found you, and you went missing!! I’m so happy you are back. I look forward to tomorrows’ post.
I am sorry, but so glad that you stuck with me! Thanks!
Whoop! whoop!
You are too funny! and thanks!
Welcome Back, Charisse! We happily anticipate this next phase of blogging. And if you don’t mind I’m going to ‘borrow’ your quote on the flower that blooms for our Facebook page.
Should be interesting at the very least Laurie, LOL. Thanks for your support, and feel free to use the quote.
It’s a fine day, waking up to this beautiful post! So great
to hear from you again and we are really looking forward to a second year of
your awesome blogging.
You are so sweet. Thanks for your support.
So glad you are back…I really enjoy your blog and learn so many interesting and exciting things.
Thank You Susan. Happy to be back writing again.