At some time we must all have experienced “Calgon, take me away moments.” I remember as a very little girl my Mother, in her best dramatic way used this expression, and me having no idea who “Calgon” was. I once asked if I could meet Mr. Calgon after a particularly difficult Calgon moment. She answered me with “the look”, which was usually followed by the soft but knowing she meant business reciting of my entire name… know, first middle, nickname and last. We all need a respite, whether at home or away. Today I have rooms, that if you insert your imagination into them for a few minutes, you might feel that all good things can happen in this moment.
Well, I am hoping for a few minutes anyway, you could catch your breath, and enjoy a quick trip around the world, ending with the “view from the top” and perhaps being able to start your day saying to yourself ….”Good Morning Beautiful World.” Thanks for stopping by. Laters, charisse
WOW! I LOVED each and every view…..makes me long for a lottery win…..loved the camper and leaning tree…to each his own is right! Thanks for all the effort to share such breathtaking beauty…too many people hide their views with window treatments …..
I agree about window treatments.As I look out my windows this morning,it is rainy and misty. I am so fortunate I don’t have to worry about another house and anyone looking in…..can’t imagine covering it up. Glad you enjoyed the post.
Love your site. Sooooo creative! A joy to spend time with you!
Why thank you Ann, and I am happy that you are enjoying my posts! My readers are what encourage me to continue doing this, so I appreciate that you took the time to comment. Have a terrific day.