To my dear children, Should I ever learn that you’ve been tweaking anywhere, at any time, I will learn to do it myself and make sure I chaperone every single dance you ever go to. Love, Mom
Times may have changed since some of us were young mothers, but a little humor in parenting can go a long way. Here are a few more to bring a laugh or two to the incredibly difficult job of being a mom.
“Patience is what parents have when there are witnesses”.
On a bit more serious note, just a few thoughts……
My Mom has been gone for some time now, leaving too early, and yet, as the years pass, I look at myself and although we looked nothing alike, I see that I share many of her passions – gardening, art, music, interior design. I will never be the gourmet cook she was, but I do love to make and share meals with friends and family. I acquired my deep love of horses from her. However……. I wish I had had a chance to really, really know her………
My dear readers……if you are a mother or a mother figure, I wish you all the love and recognition you deserve. Thanks for stopping by. Laters. charisse see also post Remembering My Mother
Well, I wrote my reply on the addendum page under “remembering my mother 2013.” Hope u can find it there. Love your post! Happy. Mothers Day Beautiful Lady. Victoria
Such a special, beautiful, well put together and wonderful column today, Charisse. Happy Mother’s Day to you, a wonderful nurturer who apparently inherited all the best from her lovely Mom. And I love your choice of ‘mother figure’ in the last line.