For My Readers.

For My Readers.

“If you have a candle, the light won’t glow any dimmer if I light yours off of mine”  Steven Tyler, musician.

I have been posting for just two months, and am still feeling my way along as I come into settling into a groove of what my readers might like and enjoy seeing more of, or less of. I always wanted a blog where folks could participate and contribute and we could share as a community a whole lot of design, DIY, gardens etc. I encourage you…….don’t be shy! Are you house or room proud? Garden proud? Pet proud? Send me an email. What I also would like to do, either as a separate post or part of one  post a week is “Happy Mail”. What do you think? Nothing in it would be sad, just funny, thought provoking, interesting, anything (well, almost anything) that gets you on your way to your day with a smile. Email me or comment…..Yes or No – good idea, and if you think Monday (starting your week) Wednesday (over the hump day) or Friday (when your nerves are shot to heck) is the day you would most like a boost. You never know what the post will include, or tell me what you would like. Pet photos of your family pets (on furniture, with children, in the garden), but particularly interested in photos of your dog or cat (heh, horses, giraffes if they’re yours also welcome!) posed in front of your front door (door open or closed) from my readers would fun to share regularly. The best kind of curb appeal. If you have your own blog, mention it in and I will post the link if I post what you send! I already have my first Happy Mail for you today, although today is Sunday, I just wanted to get the idea out there. It is a video link sent by KBJ’s uncle in California (Thanks RJ!) It is right below the dog photo examples. Happy Day to my wonderful readers. And as always, thank you for stopping by. Laters, charisse

Here is an example of pets and door…..


and now a Happy Mail !! I dare you not to smile! 

Happy Day to my wonderful readers. And as always, thank you for stopping by. Laters, charisse


  1. The toes are tapping as I write. I love your blog. Dogs, doors and flowers are always winners. Keep up the good work!

  2. Carole moores

    I loved the video! Definitely put a smile on my face inspire of this rainy weather. I think all of your ideas were excellent, especially with pets.

  3. Makes me want to dance! Thanks
    When this clip ends, there are others suggested too.

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