I have had a few readers ask me about attracting butterflies to the garden. The main reason that butterflies and hummingbirds will consistently visit your garden is because of nectar. Nectar is a sweet sugary fluid secreted by plants and flowers that encourages pollination. Insects like bees collect it and make honey. Hummingbirds and butterflies are sustained by it, and in ensuring their own survival, like the bees, they assist survival of plants by helping to pollinate them. We can encourage their visits to our gardens with plants that are pretty easy to grow as well as attractive in the garden. There are few things that make me happier than watching the butterflies and hummingbirds among the garden flowers.
The list below is by no means all inclusive, but includes the ones that can be grown across most zones, are pretty easy to grow, and do their job of bringing the beautiful and important flying additions to our garden.
And how could I speak of attracting butterflies without mention of the Butterfly Bush!
If you don’t already have plants that attract Butterflies, I hope the flowers above add some incentive to adding them to your garden. They will reward you with not just colorful flowers, but with amazing and colorful Butterflies that add movement and interest to your gardens. Thank you for stopping by. Laters, charisse
I love your garden, it is so beautiful. I love butterflies and dragonflies, they are so beautiful to look at. I am trying to build a little garden of different flowers to attract butterflies and also to provide host plants for them to lay their eggs. It would help out the Eco system as well. I hardly see flowers around for the butterflies. Also another plant that the black swallowtail butterflies are attracted to is the Ruda plant, it is also a herbal plant. Another name for the Ruda plant is Rue. Thanks for your information about which flowers attract butterflies.
This is a great list of flowers!
I am so inspired by your photos! Will all these plants grow in Southern California?