I happened across this warm, cozy cottage, delightfully decorated for the holidays. This Georgia, 2,000 sq ft. home belongs to James Farmer, Editor- at- Large at Southern Living. The curb appeal is undeniable and welcoming. Let’s take a look.
all above photos for Southern Living by LAUREY W. GLENN.
Magnolias are quintessentially southern. Below are some additional examples of how they can be used in decorating for the holidays. They are large glossy green on one side and a velvety, suede like on the underside, they allow for lots of creativity, even when used just by themselves.
Source for above photos.
I am having difficulty believing that Christmas is almost here, and that 2017 is around the corner. The weather here is warmer one day and crazy cold the next. No snow however. I hope that you folks that have a lot of snow can enjoy it. I would love to have a itty bit of snow for Christmas, but alas, they are predicting rain the both Christmas eve and day. No matter, I look forward to a couple of quiet days. I find this time one of reflection for me, and I find that as I decorated, and listened to Christmas music, I was caught up in distant memories more so than usual. I smiled, I teared up, and I also laughed out loud, even though no one else was around except Whitley and Carter. Funny thing though – Whitley for the first time is not liking the decorating activity so much. She has walked around with a hang dog look, not like her at all, yet she and Carter love to curl up close to the tree every night. Go figure. I have finally completed all my decorating, and photos will be taken and posted. I am enjoying it every evening when the soft light bathes the entire house. I hope you are all enjoying the preparations as well. Thanks for stopping by. laters, charisse.
Fabulous post! I adore seeing all the creative uses of magnolias! Sharing this post with friends!
Hi Sally, Thanks for sharing this post! Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday. charisse